2016 Public Holidays SA

New Year's DayFriday, 1 January1 January or, if that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday
Australia DayTuesday, 26 January26 January or, if that day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday
Adelaide Cup DayMonday, 14 MarchThe Holidays Act 1910 provides for the third Monday in May to be a public holiday. Since 2006 this public holiday has been substituted to the second Monday in March through the issuing of a series of proclamations by the Governor (currently proclaimed until 2019).
Good FridayFriday, 25 MarchVaries according to lunar cycle.
Easter SaturdaySaturday, 26 MarchVaries according to the lunar cycle.
Easter MondayMonday, 28 MarchThe day after Easter Sunday. Varies according to lunar cycle.
Anzac DayMonday, 25 April25 April or, if that day falls Sunday, the following Monday
Queen's BirthdayMonday, 13 JuneSecond Monday in June.
Labour DayMonday, 3 OctoberFirst Monday in October.
Christmas EveSaturday, 24 December24 December is a part-day public holiday from 7 pm to 12 midnight (from 2012)
Christmas DayMonday, 26 December25 December or, if that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday
Proclamation DayTuesday, 27 December26 December - if that date falls on a Saturday the public holiday transfers to the following Monday. If that date falls on a Sunday or a Monday that day and the following Tuesday will be public holidays.
New Year's EveSaturday, 31 December31 December is a part-day public holiday from 7 pm to 12 midnight (from 2012)