New Year's Day | Friday, 1 January | 1 January or, if that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday |
Australia Day | Tuesday, 26 January | 26 January or, if that day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday |
Adelaide Cup Day | Monday, 14 March | The Holidays Act 1910 provides for the third Monday in May to be a public holiday. Since 2006 this public holiday has been substituted to the second Monday in March through the issuing of a series of proclamations by the Governor (currently proclaimed until 2019). |
Good Friday | Friday, 25 March | Varies according to lunar cycle. |
Easter Saturday | Saturday, 26 March | Varies according to the lunar cycle. |
Easter Monday | Monday, 28 March | The day after Easter Sunday. Varies according to lunar cycle. |
Anzac Day | Monday, 25 April | 25 April or, if that day falls Sunday, the following Monday |
Queen's Birthday | Monday, 13 June | Second Monday in June. |
Labour Day | Monday, 3 October | First Monday in October. |
Christmas Eve | Saturday, 24 December | 24 December is a part-day public holiday from 7 pm to 12 midnight (from 2012) |
Christmas Day | Monday, 26 December | 25 December or, if that day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday |
Proclamation Day | Tuesday, 27 December | 26 December - if that date falls on a Saturday the public holiday transfers to the following Monday. If that date falls on a Sunday or a Monday that day and the following Tuesday will be public holidays. |
New Year's Eve | Saturday, 31 December | 31 December is a part-day public holiday from 7 pm to 12 midnight (from 2012) |